The Acumen Project

The University of Alabama Libraries' digital archives explorer.

Release notes v0.5.0 Searchable Fields

Field specific search is done using the Lucene query syntax

Field MODs EAD Details
textAll default Catch-all field for all content in metadata files. This field is always searched in combination with "boost queries" on specific fields
name All namePart, except Distributor origination, persname, and corpname
title titleInfo, including types alternative, uniform, and translated titleproper Fields for specific types of titles are searchable individually (see additional fields table below)
subject subject subject
genre genre genreform
description note[@displayLabel='Description'], and abstract scopecontent/p, and bioghist/p The uniform title
abstract abstract This field will be removed once it is confirmed all abstracts have moved to description in the metadata.
localbroad subject[@source='localbroad']
transcript This field is populated via the database.
tag This field is populated via the database.
collection location/physicalLocation[@type='collection'], and location/physicalLocation[@displayLabel='Repository Collection'] archdesc[@level='collection']
collection_number location/physicalLocation[@type='collectionNumber'] titleproper/num
box_number location/physicalLocation[@type='boxNumber'] Also checks of alternate types @type='box number', @type='Box Number', and @type='Box'
folder_number location/physicalLocation[@type='folderNumber'] Also checks of alternate types @type='folder number', @type='folder Number', and @type='folder'
origin_place originInfo/place/placeTerm[@type='text']
language recordInfo/languageOfCataloging/languageTerm[@type = 'text']
language_code recordInfo/languageOfCataloging/languageTerm[@type = 'code']
extent physicalDescription/extent
table_of_contents ntableOfContents
date dateIssued, dateOther, and dateCreated unitdate
repo_loc The repository location/id (e.g., u0001_2007001_0001832)
parent_loc The parent repository location/id (e.g., u0001_2007001 is the parent location of child u0001_2007001_0001832
type typeOfResource Always the string Archived Collection (was used in legacy Acumen to positively identify EADs)
asset_type The media type of an asset file: image, audio, video, or document (pdf). This field is populated by the database.
New Features

ETDs in Acumen now provide the proper <meta> tags for indexing in Google Scholar.

These meta tags are generated from a etd_meta_tags.xsl file. Only metadata files with the xmlns:etd XML namespace will generate these meta tags. This method also opens the door to injecting custom tags for other metadata types and sub-types in the future; granted they have a unique namespace or identifier in the XML metadata.

Acumen now uses more traditional / based URLs for repository location instead of the _ delimited repo IDs.

Redirects for old URLs are temporarily in place.
Ex. is now accessed via

Metadata and asset files accessible without /content/... in URL

The new URL scheme was meant to reflect a proper folder structure, which includes access to the metadata and asset files. Files previously accessibly only by /content/path/to/file/path_to_file.pdf can now be accessed via /path/to/file/path_to_file.pdf

Browsing of repository files and folder via your web browser is still accessible via

If an item or collection changes location in the repository, non PURL links will now display a redirect error page, giving a link to the possible new location.

This feature is dependent on the nature of the how the item or collection was moved and/or restructured in the repository and is intended to be a "best guess" rather than a guaranteed link to the new location.
Try accessing the old location of the "Guide to the Wallace Reid letters" to see it in action.
Search Categories

Search categories are determined by Solr filter queries

Category Filter Query
All None
Audio {!lucene}asset_type:audio
Books {!lucene}repo_loc:?0002*
Finding Aids {!lucene}repo_loc:?0003* +type:Archived
Images {!lucene}(repo_loc:(?0001* OR ?0011*) OR (genre:photographs OR genre:"picture postcards")) AND type:image
Manuscript Materials {!lucene}repo_loc:?0003* -type:Archived
Maps map AND asset_type:image -type:music
Research {!lucene}repo_loc:?0015*
Sheet Music {!lucene}repo_loc:?0004*
University Archives {!lucene}repo_loc:?0006*